China to Boost Employment of People Emerging from Poverty

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China to Boost Employment of People Emerging from Poverty

 March 25, 2022

BEIJING, March 24 (Xinhua) — China will step up efforts this year to stabilize employment of people who have been lifted out of poverty, as part of the work to consolidate the achievements made in poverty alleviation, according to a circular.

China will ensure that no less than 30 million people who have shaken off poverty are employed this year, preventing a large-scale return to impoverishment, said the circular co-released by five government organs, including the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

Measures to be unveiled include boosting labor-service cooperation between eastern and western regions and creating job opportunities near homes of the people concerned, according to the circular.

In 2021, some 31.45 million people lifted out of poverty found jobs, 1.26 million higher than the level in 2020, according to the National Rural Revitalization Administration. 


(Source: Xinhua)


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